A warm HELLO to everyone and as summer comes to an end we sincerely hope you and your family have remained safe and well. Despite the pandemic, we have been keen to maintain activities and connections with our community and hope you enjoy seeing what we have been getting up to here at Westfield Lodge to continue to enhance the quality of life for our residents.

A big THANK YOU to everybody who participated & donated to the summer raffle and helped raise £200.00 for the resident’s comfort fund. Extra special thanks to Roy Sargeant and his wife Ann who donated many of the lovely prizes to the raffle to enable it to be a great success.
- Michael Meigh (Joe Meigh)
- Karen (Jessie Farrall)
- Rosemary (Basil Brasington)
- Sarah Porter (chef)
- Joe Meigh (resident)
- Veronica (nurse)
- Sarah (Kay Nicholls)
- June Adamson (resident)
- Lauren (carer)
- Michelle Nixon (housekeeper)
- Barbara Whatmore (resident)
- Pam Hughes (resident)
- Joe Meigh (resident)
- Linda Ellis (June Adamson)
- Michelle Nixon (housekeeper)
- Andrea Leese (resident)
- Pam Hughes (resident)
- Karen (Jessie Farrall)
- Kirsty (Carer)
- Paule (Barbara Houlton)
- Joy (carer)
- Linda Ellis (June Adamson)
- Mandy (kitchen)
- Jessie Farrall (resident)
- Suzette (carer)
- Joe Meigh (resident)
- Jessie Farrall (resident)
- Andrea Leese (resident)
- Angela (manager)
- Pam Hughes (resident)
- June Adamson (resident)
Enjoying last of the sunshine in the garden...

Local pub singer Johnny Fenton entertains residents

Barbara Davies celebrates her birthday

Margaret Vincent celebrates her birthday

Westfield Lodge
Would like to extend a very warm welcome to our residents:
Albert Hill
Rita Corcoran