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Beginning a career in care is a hugely rewarding yet challenging job route to go down. Assisting the vulnerable and dedicating your time and energy into people and establishments who need it the most can be one of the most gratifying lines of work to be a part of. To aid those who are vulnerable is a huge responsibility that requires all carers to have the correct skillset and have completed the right training to ensure the people you care for are fully satisfied with your services. 


There are many steps to consider when considering taking on a career in care. At Captial Care Group, we are always looking to recruit committed members to join our devoted team. To read about how to become the best carer you can be, we have rounded up three top tips and pieces of advice to follow to begin your career in care. 

1. Always take into serious consideration if it is the right career for you. 

Becoming a carer is a role which carries huge amounts of responsibility. It can include various tedious tasks, with a rigorous yet rewarding working day, as well as allowing yourself to be very personable and develop special and heartwarming relationships with staff, residents, and their families. Taking care of someones daily life, from maintaining their nutrition to cleaning up after them requires a specific type of personnel. People looking into these careers have to be exceptionally nurturing and considerate of others and their wellbeing. Before starting in this line of work, appropriate training and preparation is carried out, but the most important thing is careful consideration as to whether you can fully commit and provide your whole dedication when looking into this line of work. 

2. Assess your skills. 

There is a wide array of skills and qualities that a carer must require. The list can be that of a big one, from handling a patients documents to impeccable cleaning skills. Out of this world social skills, to working intense shifts on your feet for a longevity of time. You should also be open to learning plenty of new skills and understanding what goes on in the world of care, meaning this career is very demanding on anyone, pshycially and emotionally. There are many different courses and qualifications that you can obtain to be more prepared for the role, help streamline your focus and advance your interpersonal abilities. But Being able to listen to your client and provide the best possible care for their personal needs is paramount.

3. Seek job vacancies. 

Once you have the experience and completed courses you need, the qualifactions, the natural skillset and prepared yourself to pursue a career in care, it is time to apply for the jobs! With all of us here at The Capital Care Group, we welcome eager new employees with open arms to join our team. We have plenty of positions waiting to be filled across all of our homes. To explore our vacancies, click the link to take you directly to our available options. https://capitalcaregroup.co.uk/job-vacancies/ 


It doesn’t matter about your background or how old you are, if you want to help people there’s a social care job for you. 

What’s really important is your values and attitude towards working with people who need care and support.